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Carolina United Methodist Church is a beautiful little country church that as been bringing God's true word to the Carolina community since 1840. 



CUMC is a lovely little country church in the beautiful tombigbee hills region of North Mississippi. Originally established as the Methodist Episcopal Church of the World in 1840,  the church was founded only 4 years after the establishment of Itawamba County and a mere 23 years after Mississippi attained statehood. With it's humble beginnings as a small log cabin in the Carolina Community (named after South Carolina, the state from which most of the settlers and many of the Church's founding member had recently migrated) the small church was later replaced with a white frame structure, and in 1960 updated once again to a red brick building and finally to the beautiful brick church we have today. At Carolina United Methodist Church, our roots run deep, not only in our community, our country, and our state, but also in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal at CUMC is to help every person to, not just grow, but thrive in a loving church family, in the discipleship of Jesus Christ and in building God's kingdom together. 



And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Our Mission

Share God's love through worship in action.

Winding Roads

Our Vision

To be a church that helps every person know Jesus Christ, belong to the family of believers, become a disciple, and build God's kingdom. 

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

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